
Wells University Fair

Wells University Fair

Wells University Fair On September 25th, High School students took part in the annual United States University Fair and learned about various future options available to them. The students were asked to think about their interests and strengths while considering multiple contributing factors to the idea of “university fit”. Although […]

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PD Day: Child Safety and Protection

PD Day: Child Safety and Protection

Child Safety and Protection at Wells On Friday, September 20th, our teachers engaged in a Professional Development Day. The focus of the Professional Development day was Child Safety & Protection, as we move towards strengthening this knowledge in our teachers, administrators, and staff. Child safety & protection is of utmost […]

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Wells Thong Lo | Fire Drill

Wells Thong Lo | Fire Drill

School fire drills are very important practice procedures. These drills teach students how to react and behave during an emergency. Even though fire drills are just practice, it is very important to act seriously. Days before the school fire drill homeroom teachers reviewed the rules and expectations to be followed […]

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Agency has a New Look in Grade 5

Agency has a New Look in Grade 5

Implementing Agency by Russell Coffin, Grade 5 Teacher Our grade 5 classroom has a different feel to it this week as instructors return from a professional development course that convened at NIST over the weekend of the 21st of September. One of the key takeaways from this professional development seminar […]

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