Extracurricular activities are a great way for students to participate in a safe and productive environment after school has ended. When the bell rings, it doesn’t mean your child’s day is over. In fact, that time after school is filled with ample opportunities for your child to continue their development.After […]
Wells – Thong Lor
Wells Thong Lo | First Day of School | 2019-2020 Academic Year
Summer holidays are over and it’s time to settle ourselves back into our routine. Here at Wells we encourage and inspire all our students for their first day of school. This year, as we develop a passion for learning, may success be ours. Welcome back to school! It’s a bright […]
Wells Thong Lo | International Day Fun Fair 2019
This past Friday June 7th, Wells International School held its annual International Day Fun Fair. It began as most International events do – with songs, and performances from the student body at Wells, but this year the teachers and student body went the extra mile and entertained the audience with […]
威尔斯国际学校自1999年建校以来发展迅速,已在泰国曼谷设立三个校区, 共有来自二十多个国家的上千名学生就读。本校获泰国教育部许可并于2009年 经WASC认证‚ 为泰国国际学校联盟成员, 並为东亚国际学校理事会成员。在 2019年泰国前十名的国际学校中排名第二。 威尔斯国际学校致力于为国际化背景的学生提供高品质、多样化的教育。 在探究式、创造性的教育模式中激发学生的学习热情,培养学生的好奇心与求 知欲。在师资方面‚威尔斯国际学校的教师来自全球多个国家, 热情负责、具有国 际情怀,奉行并实践家校协同的教育理念。 作为永智教育集团的分支机构,威尔斯国际学校开设美式课程与IB课程, 课程 涵盖幼儿园至高中各阶段。 威尔斯国际学校亦在各校区开设中文课程: BangNa校区设有PYP中文课程,规定中文为K2-G5阶段必修课程。 Thonglo校区开设K2-G2阶段中文选修课程。 OnNut校区开设IBDP中文课程、G1-G10阶段中文选修课程。 为推广中文课程, 威尔斯国际学校除了在周一至周五的周间班规划每个程 度每周四节课时的中文课外‚ 同时于周六开设中文班,课程等级涵盖幼儿园至高 中阶段,每次四节课时,课程时间及相关细节请参考周六中文班行事历。 另外, 威尔斯国际学校设有HSK班及暑期中文班,详情请咨询OnNut校区中文办公室。 電話: (66) 097-920-8511 / 02-730-3366
Wells Thong Lo | K1 Rainy Dress Up Day Assembly
Wells Thong Lo | K1 Rainy Dress Up Day Assembly Written by: Kristin Walczak – K1B Homeroom Teacher On Friday, May 10th the K1 students participated in a special Rainy Dress Up Day! This month the students are learning all about weather and clothing. The K1 teachers decided to bring […]