Wells Thong Lo | Songkran Splash Festival 2023

Songkran is Thailand’s most famous festival and a favorite here at Wells Thong Lor. Every year our school community works together to make it a success and this year was no exception. To mark the beginning of the traditional Thai New Year Wells students from all over the globe paid respect to and celebrated Thai culture. They performed traditional Thai dances before participating in the water ceremony, where students wished their teachers a happy Songkran in the traditional way by pouring water and jasmine petals over their hands.  Songkran is a time to cleanse and pay respects but also to let loose in wild water fights. The support staff at Wells Thong Lor worked extremely hard in transforming our school playground into a water park. The students and teachers made their way around a variety of events including the ‘slip n slide’, ‘pool games, and ‘water slide’, not forgetting the ‘dunk’ where students got the chance to dunk their teacher, this proved to be a favorite. Thank you to all our students, parents, teachers, and support staff at Wells Thong Lor! What a fantastically fun Songkran full of smiles, laughter, and a lot of water! Wishing all of our families a wonderful and safe holiday. We will see you on Monday 17th April.                                     

Sawasdee Phimai!


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