K3A Mystery Reader To kick off our Reading Olympics month the K3s celebrated with our very first Mystery Reader! We would like to give a great big thank you to Ms. Jessica Teal one of our former teachers here at Wells for stopping by and reading “The Story of Ferdnand”. […]
Pajama Day – Read & Relax | Thong Lo Campus
Grade 1B has been focused on reading for the month of March. We have particularly focused on Dr. Seuss books. Students have read titles such as: Horton Hears a Who!, The Cat in the Hat, There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, Green Eggs and Ham, and The Sneetches, among others. […]
Reading Month at Wells Bang Na
Wells International Schools celebrates and promotes literacy in our young learners in “March Reading Month” every year. In order to kick off the event, we read the whole school book, “Rosie Run” that our students wrote collectively last year. This year, we are currently writing another whole school book and […]
UNFAO International Day of Forests Debate
Wells was again invited to the United Nations Forestry and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) for its annual International Day of Forests debates, an event involving multiple schools from Bangkok meant to help raise awareness for forestry and associated environmental issues. Teams debated topics related to urban planning, deforestation, and sustainable growth, […]
K3C’s Mystery Reader | Thong Lo Campus
As part of reading month, parents were invited and encouraged to come to class to read stories. The students had fun guessing who the reader might be and were pleasantly surprised at some of the volunteers who arrived at their door. K3C were joined by Peter Meldrum, the father of […]