This past week, the Wells teachers and students came together in celebration of the end of the school year and engaged in various activities, workshops, and trips inside school and in local communities. This was the second round of ‘Wells Without Walls’, a new initiative to empower students to take […]
International Day at Wells Bang Na
Wells International School Bang Na campus held our annual international day on June 8th, 2018. This is an important day for our school because it stands for what we are and what we love- a diverse and colorful community. Today we celebrated all nations and explored different cultures. Most of […]
2018 Primary School Spelling Bee – On Nut Campus
Each year, the Wells primary school conducts an in house spelling bee, following the rules and format from the Scripps National Spelling Bee based in the United States. Every student participated in the knock out rounds during class time, in order to be the final six contestants for the 2018 […]
Class of 2018 Graduation
On Friday evening, June 1, Wells International School’s 2018 Commencement Exercises saw its senior class walk through the halls officially for very last time as Wells students. At 6pm, our graduates, like the eight graduating classes before them, marched (briskly) to Elgar’s “Pomp & Circumstance” on a 500-meter path […]
Senior Trip 2018
At the end of May, after finishing up their IB exams and final assessments, twenty three of the members of the senior Class of 2018 attended the senior trip, a week long trip and cruise tour around various European countries and cities. Their first destination was Barcelona, where […]