December 5th has become a special day here in Thailand. Not only is it the official date of Father’s Day in Thailand, but it was the date of the anniversary of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Rama IX. He was born in 1927 and died on October 13, 2016. He was the […]
Wells Thong Lo | Father’s Day 2019
December 5, marks the day the people of Thailand celebrate former King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birthday. He was born on December 5th 1927 in the United State of America. King Bhumibol Adulyadej captured the hearts of the Thai people through his devotion to improving the welfare and well-being of his subjects. […]
Field Trip Excitement for Grade 1 from Wells Bang Na
Bursting with excitement, the Grade 1 class of Wells International Bang Na, poured from the school vans as they parked in front of the fire station. Going to the fire station has become a Grade 1 tradition and we were so excited to go and see what happened there. Our […]
Wells Bang Na Open House and Parent Workshop
Wells Bang Na had an open house and parent workshop on November 29, 2019. The workshop was lead by Ms. Camarin Sachdev, our campus wide primary counselor. The topic was how parenting styles affect your child’s success at school. We had many current parents as well as newcomers come to […]
ServICE Conference 2019
Annual ServICE Conference From November 15th until the 17th, twenty-nine of our Wells high school students attended the 9th Annual ServICE Conference at International Community School in Bangkok. The ServICE conference is a collaborative, student-led event organized by international schools in Bangkok. The aim of the conference is to inspire, […]