[wzslider autoplay=”true”] The grade 5 students visited the Metro Forest on Friday September 15, as part of their inquiry into ecosystems. Students were able to learn and observe about various plants and animals in a forest ecosystem and the important role of each. Students were also taught the importance of […]
2017 University of Hawaii Summer Science Camp
2017 University of Hawaii Summer Science Camp Headline by Shreya Silori, Class of 2018 Contributors: Guer Buasai (c/o ’19), Jacob Chang (c/o ’19), Rishab Tandon (c/o ’18) Bloom Cader (c/o ’18), Sunand Sethi (c/o ’19) and Jojo Chou (c/o ’18) Photo Credits: Kittipong Areewattanasombat (c/o ’19), Mr. Ray, Ms. Katherine, […]
Mother’s Day Ceremony
While Mother’s Day is held dear in many cultures throughout the world, Mother’s Day in Thailand is a uniquely special day. Portraits of the Queen, the mother of our nation, rise throughout the country. Celebrated on the Queen’s birthday, August 12th, the holiday rings forth with pageantry, emotion and beauty. […]
Wells High School Graduation 2017
威尔斯国际学校中文部 2017年期刊(第18期) Chinese Department E-News of 2017 目录Contents: Thong Lo校区中文班 1 Bang Na 校区中文班 2 On Nut校区中文班及学生佳作 4 周六班简体字学生佳作 6 週六班正體字學生佳作 8 2017年中国春节活动 10 校區介紹 11 威尔斯中文课程: 威尔斯国际学校为配合中文在全球资讯发展的重要性,开设了全面性的中文课程。 周间班开设班级: 周间班中文课程采双学制,各年级均有正体字及简体字班,依学生年级及程度开设合适班级。 On Nut 校区中文班:小学一年级—高中三年级(六至十八岁),高中部设有IB中文课程 Thong Lo校区中文班:幼儿园至小学二年级 (四至七岁) Bang Na 校区中文班:幼儿园至小学五年级 (三至十岁) 周六班信息: 为因应广大学习者需求,自2005年起,增加设置中文课周六班以来,至今已进入第12个学年,学生人数逐年增加。 相关信息如下: 成立日期:2005年 年级设置:幼儿园至高中三年级,各年级均有正体字及简体字班 学制:一学年分上下学期,每学期18周,每周四堂课 课程时间:每周六上午08:30-12:00 地址:威尔斯国际学校On Nut校区 […]