International Day 2019

International Day 2019

International Day 2019

On Friday, October 11th, the Wells community gathered at Wells On Nut Campus for International Day 2019: United & Connected! International Day is a day for the entire school to come together and celebrate the diversity of our student, teacher, and staff population, as well as recognize, appreciate and learn about other cultures around the world. This event nicely aligns with our ESLR of Global Citizenship and the IB concept of ‘international mindedness’. In an increasingly diverse world, our goal is to continue to remain open-minded to worldwide diversity and differences, and to practice acceptance and respect as an international attitude.

International Day 2019


International Day 2019

International Day 2019

International Day 2019

International Day 2019

United & Connected

With this year’s theme being ‘United & Connected’, the celebration was focused on the characteristics that unite us as humans across cultures and continents! We explored how countries unite within and across countries and borders through the following themes: food, shelter, clothing, education, language and leadership/government. What do we all have in common, and what unites and connects us across countries and cultures? This theme was reflected through interactive booths, activities, workshops, performances, and a range of international food. Performances were given by various Performing Arts classes, Korean club, Thai Dance club, breakdance club, and other talented performing artists in our school community.

International Day 2019

International Day 2019

International Day 2019

International Day 2019

International Day 2019


International Day 2019

International Day 2019

 Service Component


Some of the proceeds raised from our homerooms and student-led clubs were donated to Cancelling Cancers,  a student led organization which aims to raise funds to support immunotherapy research at the Chulalongkorn University Systems Biology (CUSB). CUSB was founded in 2016 with the support from Chulalongkorn University and The King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital to conduct research and development in immunotherapy treatment. It has the mission to provide accessible and affordable immunotherapy treatment for all the Thai people. 



Our SerWIS club also raised money for Camillian Home, whose special guests also joined us in our ‘United & Connected’ celebration. 



International Day 2019 turned out to be a huge success! It was a big day of collaboration, community, and celebration among all of our staff, students, and parents, in which smiles, laughter and fun demonstrated the unity and connectedness within our community.


International Day 2019

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