
Bangkok Model United Nations

On Sunday, October 6, twelve of our Model United Nations (MUN) members participated in the 27th annual Bangkok Model United Nations, the largest local MUN conference, at Bangkok Patana School. Our students were among approximately 400 students from 23 international schools in the region.


Sapal Chapagain (Class of 2020) served as the President of International Court of Justice (ICJ),  Lina Puthengot (Class of 2020) served as DISEC chair, and Aung Sit (Derek) Paing (Class of 2020) and Shradha Silori served as chairs of Human Rights Council (HRC).


Topics discussed and debated included the question of minority rights in South East Asian countries (ASEAN), the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories (HRC), and the question of foreign military intervention in internal conflicts (DISEC). 




BKKMUN XXVII was an enjoyable experience for our Wells delegation with new experiences, sharing of diverse perspectives, collaboration, and displays of global citizenship.This was great practice for our MUN members for our upcoming fifth annual Wells MUN conference, WISMUN V. Our delegates were given the chance and voice to shine and contribute to positive problem-solving and peacemaking in this sophisticated simulation of UN procedures and committees.


Special Mentions

Congratulations to Sapal Chapagain, Aung Sit Paing (Derek), Lina Puthengot, and Shradha Silori for chairing committees, and to Anton Gonta, Toni Kupari and Yash Bhora for receiving honorable mentions as delegates in their respective committees.



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