Kinder Reading Olympics
By: Anne Piaseu – K3A Homeroom Teacher
The past few weeks the Kindergarten classes have been getting a taste of what it feels like to be a primary student. They have actively participated in events such as “Get Caught Reading”, Reading Buddies, and our very own “Author’s Walk”.
“Get Caught Reading”, is when students chose their favorite books to read, relax, and enjoy around the school. This helps to relay the message to students that you can read anytime, anywhere and any place.
Another highlight was when the K3s collaborated with the First grade classes by forming reading buddies. The kindergarten students were thrilled and felt challenged to be paired up with some older readers. They loved listening to their buddies read and also appreciated when their buddies taught them strategies on how to become a better reader.
We ended our Reading Olympics with the best possible event, “Author’s Walk”. Since our students have been reading so many books why not give them a chance to show case their awesome writing.
The students loved getting a chance to read books written by the other K3 classes, Grade Ones and Grade Two. The author’s walk was such an inspiration for the Kindergarten students who are just learning how to write. This was just the right event to ignite a passion for young writers. We hope to have more events like this in the future.