Wells – Bang Na

Wells Bang Na Grade 2 Field Trip

Wells Bang Na Grade 2 Field Trip

Wells Bang Na Field Trip Wells International Grade 2 students from Bang Na joined the classes from the other two campuses’ for our field trip to the Bangkokian Museum. Students excitedly looked at all of the treasures inside of the old Thai houses. Grade 2 student, Jessica thought “the toilets […]

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Agency has a New Look in Grade 5

Agency has a New Look in Grade 5

Implementing Agency by Russell Coffin, Grade 5 Teacher Our grade 5 classroom has a different feel to it this week as instructors return from a professional development course that convened at NIST over the weekend of the 21st of September. One of the key takeaways from this professional development seminar […]

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Fire Drills at Wells Bang Na

Fire Drills at Wells Bang Na

Fire Drills At Wells International School we are committed to providing a safe environment for our students to grow and thrive. We practice fire drills regularly in order to ensure that the children know how to evacuate the buildings in a timely and orderly fashion. On September 18th, we had fire […]

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