Reading month at Wells Bang Na
During reading month at Wells Bang Na, our older students are meeting with younger learners for buddy reading sessions. The grade two and three students read with K2 classes on Tuesday, March 19th. The students had a relaxing reading experience together. “It was fun reading to the little kids because I love reading and want to share it with them”. said Jason, grade 2. One of the best aspects of this session was the great number of eager readers. “When I read to K2, the little kids were so nice, respectful and listened well”. thought Edward, from grade 2. “Reading to K2 is cool for me. I really like my partner in K2B. They like the books I choose”. mentioned Justin, grade 2. “It was nice to read to K2 because they are cute and can understand the stories, too”. said Brilliant, grade 2.
K2 students shared how they loved reading with the big kids. Custom (K2) mentioned, “The big kids know how to read and they know how to focus. I want to be like that.” All of K2A agreed they want to be good readers so they can read to younger students when they grow up! Reading buddies is a fantastic way to encourage a love for literacy in students of all ages!