To ensure that students learn what is taught effectively, teachers at Wells International School often start classes by assessing learners’ prior knowledge. This is important because when new learning is connected to old knowledge, learning become fun, meaningful and permanent. Inter-neural connectivity in the brain is enhanced when students are […]
Celebrating Teaching & Learning
At Wells International School, teachers are dedicated to providing happy, engaging, and meaningful learning experiences to students. This is seen both inside and outside of the classroom. Teachers believe that every child has the potential to learn and become a good citizen. They also believe that every child can and does achieve when he/she is supported with appropriate academic and social-emotional interventions. One of the most unique features of the school is that teachers focus on students’ strengths instead of managing weaknesses/lack/deficits. This is in-line with research findings in positive psychology. When students become aware of and capitalize on their strengths, they succeed and their initial success leads to more successes. Here are some of the evidences of these…
Off-campus Learning Experience Trip, OLET
For many decades, people thought that learning is supposed to take place in the confines of a classroom. On the contrary, 21st century living requires a new kind of learning. Classrooms are not the only place where learning takes place. In fact, one cannot plan and pre-determine where, when, and […]
Strengthening Home-School Ties
Parent Orientation: Day 1 (August 20, 2009) – Thong Lor campus Parents often wonder what kind of learning takes place in the classroom. They are eager to understand the personality of teachers, the philosophy behind teaching styles, and the rationale for covering certain types of contents. In short, parents appreciate […]
Summer Olympics at Wells International School
Students at Wells – Thong Lor created and participated in the very first Wells Olympics to close out summer classes.