Special mention and congratulations to our Class of 2017 IB Diploma and Course students in accomplishing the program.
EARCOS Global Citizenship Award 2017
We proudly present this year’s EARCOS Global Citizenship Award recipient, Chae Jin (Cindy) Shin – Class of 2018. She exhibits invaluable dedication and commitment in building a better community and a better world through many of her community engagement and service learning experiences. “EARCOS Global Citizenship Award 2016-2017 – […]
Wells Class of 2017 Graduation
On Friday evening, May 26, Wells International School’s 2017 Commencement Exercises saw its senior class walk through the halls officially for very last time as Wells students. At 6pm, our graduates, like the seven graduating classes before them, marched (briskly) to Elgar’s “Pomp & Circumstance” on a 500-meter path circling […]
IB DP CAS – Class of 2017
We are celebrating the meaningful achievements of our Wells Class of 2017 IB DP cohort on their Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) journeys.
Starfall – Prom 2017
As a Wells tradition, our juniors organized this year’s prom, Starfall 2017, dedicating to our proud graduating Class of 2017. It was a celebrative evening filled with laughters and memories.