
Healthy Teeth (Nursery & K1 Assembly)

This assembly was a great way to show the children how to care for their teeth and health. First we had a talk from a dentist and the children were very excited to meet her and use the equipment she had brought. They practiced brushing their teeth and sang a […]

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Healthy Living Assembly: K2 & K3

Students had a great time keeping active and getting their hearts pumping during our ‘Healthy Living’ assembly. We did some aerobics and stretching to get us all energized for the assembly and then tried some fitness challenges to see who was up to the challenge. All of the students had […]

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On Nut Updates – May, 2010

As we approach the end of the 2009-2010 school year, anticipation has been steadily growing at our On Nut campus. We will not only complete our first year as a WASC-accredited school, but will also see off our first graduating class, witness the largest expansion project since opening the campus […]

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Songkran Assembly

The Songkran Assembly started with a brief introduction about the Songkran festival and how and why it is celebrated. The ambience was extremely attractive with the children dressed in bright colorful and floral clothes. Five monks were invited to the campus, and students and staff had the opportunity to make […]

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