Chonburi Summer Fun

Summer Fun Program at Wells Chonburi

Our exciting Summer Fun Program has come to an end, leaving behind a trail of wonderful memories and unforgettable experiences. Over the past few weeks, participants from Nursery to Grade 8 were treated to a delightful array of activities and adventures. From exciting outdoor games that brought out their inner adventurers, to creative arts and crafts sessions that nurtured their artistic talents, there was never a dull moment.  

Chonburi Summer Fun

We celebrated the richness of culture and diversity, taking our participants on a fascinating journey of exploration. With a focus on embracing different traditions and customs, we engaged in cultural workshops, where children’s activities and perspectives foster understanding and respect among the group. Our middle school group even tried their skills at making ravioli. 

Chonburi Summer Fun

Chonburi Summer Fun

As we delved into the wonders of nature, we embarked on an adventurous exploration of various habitats. Our young learners discovered the unique ecosystems and the incredible creatures that call these habitats home. Through hands-on activities, such as scavenger hunts outside and observing small creatures, they gained an appreciation for the delicate balance of nature and the importance of preserving our environment. Our talented and passionate team of instructors made sure that each day was filled with joy, laughter, and learning. 

Chonburi Summer Fun

As we bid farewell to this year’s Summer Fun Program, we cherish the lasting memories created during our exploration of culture, habitats, and the enchanting world under the sea. It is our hope that these experiences have inspired a sense of wonder and curiosity for the world around us in each young heart that took part in our program. We also hope that our students built strong friendships with new and old friends and got to know their new teachers better.

Enjoy this video of fun highlights from our Summer Fun Program!

Chonburi Summer Fun

We’re already excitedly planning for the next summer, where we hope to create even more magical moments for everyone involved! Don’t forget to join us next June-July for another eventful and exciting summer program. 

Chonburi Summer Fun

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