Staying Safe and Prepared:A Look at Our School’s Fire Drill Activity

I’m excited to share with you a recent fire drill and presentation held at Wells International school – Bang Na by the fire and rescue department. It was an awesome experience that was both educational and entertaining!

It is required that at least one time a year teachers and students practice the escape plan, so they know exactly what to do if the fire alarm goes off in a real emergency. It also gives the teachers a chance to practice emergency procedures that are important in keeping kids safe and accounted for during an emergency. 

The fire fighters arrived at the school early in the morning and the students and staff were all gathered in the schoolyard. They began by introducing themselves and explaining the purpose of the fire drill and presentation. Then, they demonstrated different types of fire extinguishers and explained how to use them. It was so cool to see these firefighters in action, and we all learned so much about fire safety. 

After the presentation, the firefighters gave instructions on how to follow the school’s evacuation plan in case of a fire. We learned about the importance of staying calm during an emergency and listening to the instructions of the teachers and firefighters. Then, the fire drill began, and the alarm was sounded. Everyone followed the evacuation plan and safely exited the building.

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