Wells Thong Lor Celebrates Songkran: A Splash of Tradition and Fun

Songkran, Thailand’s most renowned festival, came alive at Wells Thong Lor with vibrant celebrations and joyful camaraderie. Students, teachers, and parents joined hands to honor Thai culture and mark the beginning of the traditional Thai New Year in a memorable and spirited manner.
The festivities commended with Wells students from diverse cultural backgrounds coming together to perform traditional Thai dances, paying homage to the rich cultural heritage of Thailand. Following this, the water ceremony took center stage, where students expressed their well wishes for their teachers by pouring water and jasmine petals over their hands, in accordance with Thai tradition.
But Songkran isn’t just about solemn ceremonies—it’s also a time to let loose and indulge in playful water fights. The dedicated support staff at Wells Thong Lor transformed the school playground into a lively water park, providing an array of exciting activities for everyone to enjoy.
From the exhilarating ‘slip n slide’ to the thrilling ‘water relay’ and the adventurous ‘monkey swing,’ there was no shortage of fun-filled moments for students and teachers alike. And of course, the highlight of the day was ‘the dunk,’ where students eagerly lined up for the chance to dunk their beloved teachers—an activity that proved to be a crowd favorite.
As the day drew to a close, echoes of laughter and the sound of splashing water filled the air, a testament to the joy and merriment shared by all. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our students, parents, teachers, and support staff for their enthusiastic participation and hard work in making this Songkran celebration a resounding success.
With smiles on our faces and memories to cherish, we bid farewell to Songkran and look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, April 22nd. Until then, we wish all of our families a wonderful and safe holiday filled with happiness and laughter.

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