Wells – Thong Lor

Morning Assemblies are Fun and Interesting!

It’s nice to start the day off with a few long, calming breaths together.

Every morning at Wells 51, we get to stand together as a united school body, and learn fun facts and ideas.

Take today for example…
After singing the National Anthem, kids got to learn a new Word of the Day – “Balance”.

Check out the video clip at Learning Life.

On-going Professional Development

On-going professional development through the Learning First Wednesday (LFW) session for the 2009-2010 academic year began on September 2, 2009. LFW sessions at Wells International School are special occasions allocated for teachers to come together and learn about improving teaching practices (mini workshops).  The topic discussed at the session was […]

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Fast ForWord workshop for Parents

Parents who like to learn more about Fast ForWord and the neuroscientific principles behind it are invited for an interactive workshop on Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 6:00 pm, at Wells International School, Thong Lor campus, situated in Sukhumvit Soi 51. See you there!