UPDATE: Wells Host TOCFL Test

Dear all:

For those that took the TOCFL test in Feb 2015, we have received TOCFL certificate from Taiwan. Please come to Wells International School On-Nut campus to get your transcript and certificate.

。Contact person: Please find Ms. Liu

TIME: Now – 30th May,  Saturday : 8:00 – 12:00  

。Please bring your ID-Card or Passport for.

。If you cannot come to get your certificate in person, please find authorization letter attached herewith.

*Any problem, please contact Mr. Lin : lin.k@wells.ac.th


Wells International School Chinese Department





。現在-5月30號,星期六 : 8:00 – 12:00,請找劉老師

。請攜帶您的 ID CARD 或 護照


。有任何問題請聯絡  林老師 :lin.k@wells.ac.th







现在-5月30号,星期六 : 8:00 – 12:00,请找刘老师

。请带ID-Card 或 Passport


。有任何问题请联络 林老师: lin.k@wells.ac.th




Dear all:

Thank you for joining TOCFL at Wells International School on 7th, February, 2015. Please find details as below:

Band A  /  Band C  /   CCCC 

Date :  7th February 2015

Registration Time  :  8:30

Test Room : Band A 、Band C: 315      CCCC : 309、310、311

Entrance Time : 8:50

Testing Time : 9:00-11:00

Remind :

  1. Name and seat will be posted on the test room.
  2. Please be on time. After first 10 minutes entrance time, candidates need to listen to rules outside test room.
  3. Please bring your passport or ID for verification.
  4. We will not allow students to enter the examination more than 10minutes after the scheduled start of the examination.
  5. Candidates can check your result from our website after 7th March 2015. (  http://wells.ac.th/)
  6. After we receive certificates from Taiwan, we will inform the candidates who pass the exam to get their certificates from Wells International school.


Band B  

Date :  7th February 2015

Registration Time :  11:00

Test Room : 315

Entrance Time : 11:20

Testing Time : 11:30-1:30

Remind :

  1. Name and seat will be posted on the test room.
  2. Please be on time. After first 10 minutes entrance time, candidates need to listen to rules outside test room.
  3. Please bring your passport or ID for verification.
  4. We will not allow students to enter the examination more than 10minutes after the scheduled start of the examination.
  5. Candidates can check your result from our website after 7th March 2015. (  http://wells.ac.th/)
  6. After we receive certificates from Taiwan, we will inform the candidates who pass the exam to get their certificates from Wells International school.


           Wells International School Chinese Department




Band A  /  Band C  /   CCCC 

日期 : 2015年2月7日

報到時間 : 8:30

考試教室 : Band A 、Band C: 315      CCCC : 309、310、311 

進場時間 : 8:50

測驗時間 : 9:00-11:00

注意事項 :

  1.       1.考生的姓名及座位将贴示于考场门口。
  2. 请考生于进场前10分钟,在考场门口听取考场规定。
  3. 请携带护照或身分证,当场检验完后归还。
  4. 测验开始10分钟后,不能再进场。
  5. 考生可于3月7日后,上本校网站查询考试结果。
  6. 本校于收到证书后,将再通知通过考试的考生前来本校领取证书。

Band B  

日期 : 2015年2月7日

報到時間 : 11:00

考試教室 : 315

進場時間 : 11:20

測驗時間 : 11:30-1:30

注意事項 :

  1. 考生的姓名及座位將貼示於考場門口。
  2. 請考生於進場前10分鐘,在考場門口聽取考場規定。
  3. 請攜帶護照或身分證,當場檢驗完後歸還。
  4. 測驗開始10分鐘後,不能再進場。
  5. 考生可於3月7日後,上本校網站查詢考試結果。
  6. 本校收到證書後,將再通知通過考試的考生前來本校領取證書。







Band A  /  Band C  /   CCCC 


日期 : 2015年2月7日


报到时间 : 8:30


考试教室 : Band A Band C: 315      CCCC : 309310311 


进场时间 : 8:50


测验时间 : 9:00-11:00


注意事项 :

  1.       1.考生的姓名及座位将贴示于考场门口。
  2. 请考生于进场前10分钟,在考场门口听取考场规定。
  3. 请携带护照或身分证,当场检验完后归还。
  4. 测验开始10分钟后,不能再进场。
  5. 考生可于3月7日后,上本校网站查询考试结果。
  6. 本校于收到证书后,将再通知通过考试的考生前来本校领取证书。


Band B  


日期 : 2015年2月7日


报到时间 : 11:00


考试教室 : 315


进场时间 : 11:20


测验时间 : 11:30-1:30


注意事项 :

  1.       1.考生的姓名及座位将贴示于考场门口。
  2. 请考生于进场前10分钟,在考场门口听取考场规定。
  3. 请携带护照或身分证,当场检验完后归还。
  4. 测验开始10分钟后,不能再进场。
  5. 考生可于3月7日后,上本校网站查询考试结果。
  6. 本校于收到证书后,将再通知通过考试的考生前来本校领取证书。




Wells International School is proud to once again be the host campus for the TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) and “Children’s Chinese Competency Certification” (CCCC) on February 7th, 2015.  The test measures a student’s proficiency in the Chinese language and can be used to assess the effectiveness of the school’s Chinese language program as well as help in university applications or job opportunities. This online test will be on February 7th, 2015, at On Nut Campus. Those who pass the test will get a certificate. The test has listening and reading components as well as simplified and Traditional versions.  For details about the test, please see the organizer’s website at http://www.sc-top.org.tw.

Students are invited to Wells International School for a chance to take this exam.

Please see the files below for more details.

1. Registration Method
2. Registration Form
3. Description of the TOCFL Test

For details, please contact:

Ms. Snow at 02-6625980-2 / 089-168-5097 / snow@wells.ac.th
Mr. Lin at 091-883-9081 / lin.k@wells.ac.th
Ms. Wei at 02-6700200    / mingzhu.tw@gmail.com


威爾斯國際學校中文部,為華語學習者評估自己的華語運用能力及申請大學或就業,提供參考依據。特排定2015年2月7日在本校On-Nut 校區舉辦電腦版華語文能力測驗及兒童華語文能力測驗,凡通過考試者,可獲得由華測會頒發的成績合格證書。測驗分為簡體和正體,項目包括聽力測驗及閱讀測驗兩項。誠摯邀請 貴校華語學習者報名參加測試。




林老師 電話:091-8839081 / lin.k@wells.ac.th

Ms. Snow 電話:02-6625980-2 / 089-168-5097 / snow@wells.ac.th

韋小姐 電話:02-6700200 / mingzhu.tw@gmail.com



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