the importance of sleep in children

Primary School Newsletter September 2017

Feature Article:
The Science  of  Sleep and Learning  

Head Primary School Teacher and Grade 4A Homeroom Teacher

All parents know that good sleep is important for their child’s health. This knowledge can easily be forgotten, though, in our busy modern lifestyles. Good sleep, both of our own and that of our children, is often one of the first things to be neglected when we have too much to do. Recent scientific research is discovering that quality sleep is crucial to our overall physical, mental, and emotional health. For children, quality sleep may mean the difference between normal and abnormal development and learning. Parents need to take sleep very seriously. Many people know that good sleep is necessary for our bodies and brains to rest and reset. Scientists are now discovering that sleep is needed for much more than just rest. It is during sleep that our brains sort through the day’s experiences and record the important ones as new memories. Sleep is thus essential to learning. Sleep is also when our brains rid themselves of waste chemicals.  Human growth hormone, which is crucial to a child’s physical development, is primary released during sleep.

Inadequate sleep has been linked to numerous physical and mental health issues. People who don’t sleep enough have a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, and depression. Inadequate sleep can lead to attention hyperactivity issues in children. Children who don’t sleep enough have difficulty regulating their emotions properly, which can lead to problems in many aspects of their lives. And, as any teacher can tell you, sleep deprived children simply don’t learn as well.

The National Sleep Foundation in the United States offers the following science-based recommendations for how much children should sleep. Preschoolers should get between 10 and 13 hours of sleep per day, children between the ages of 6 to 13 should get 9 to 11 hours of sleep per day, and teenagers should get 8 to 10 hours a day.

Besides getting enough sleep, children and parents should also practice good “sleep hygiene” to make getting to sleep easier. Electronics and televisions should be removed from the bedroom. Because the blue light emitted from the electronic devices interferes with the brains’ ability to fall asleep, children should not use any screens (tablets, phones, computers, TVs) at least 30 minutes before bed. Practices like meditation and mindfulness can help prepare children fro bedtime. Snacks before bedtime should be high protein (nuts, unsweetened yogurt, peanut butter, cheese and crackers) instead of high sugar. Finally, form a regular bedtime routine and stick to it.

Good sleep and good learning go hand in hand. Make getting good sleep a priority for both your children and yourself. More information about the importance of sleep can be found at 


Geography Bowl 2017

Ms. Kay
Grade 1A Homeroom Teacher
For the Primary School’s 2nd Annual Geography Bowl, students from the three WIS campuses (On Nut, Bang Na, and Thong Lor) came together for a friendly competition on various geography topics. These topics ranged from general facts about continents and oceans to specific facts about capitals and flags. Family involvement and encouragement played a crucial role in preparing students for the competition. Students were placed in teams and worked together with their classmates to discuss and answer questions. All students had the opportunity to test their geography knowledge and practice team work in an engaging and fun way! They look forward to participating in the next Geography Bowl!


Its a Jungle Out There!!
Mid Term Show – Oct. 18

What is the key to happiness and how has it? Join King Leo the Lion, Spots the Leopard, and Stripes the Zebra as they go on a musical quest to find the answer. They’ll be joined by a host of monkeys, cheetahs, hyenas, and elephants, so you won’t want to miss the fun!
October 18 (Wednesday) at 1:15pm @ the Auditoirum


Grade 4 Plant Dissection       

Mr. Steve
Grade 4B Homeroom Teacher
Grade 4 students have been studying the scientific method, and recently participated in research about plants. Equipped with forceps and cutting tools, students engaged with various plants such as cilantro, morning glory, and celery – to examine the different parts of a plant. They really enjoyed this dissection and learned about the purpose and structure of the root, stem, and leaf parts of the plant. They were also able to document their learning and create a slideshow presentation with clear pictures using iPads. Great use of technology!



Grade 5 Mold Terrarium

Ms. Dana
Grade 5B Homeroom Teacher 
 Why would a hawk move to New York? What do plants eat? Where do dead leaves go?
These were a few of the inquiries that the fifth graders investigated over the past few weeks. These inquiries took us on a tour of the web of life as we explored a handful of different ecosystems and how energy travels through each of them. In our mold terrariums, students observed how fungi decompose matter. Decomposers, they learned, play an important part in the web of life. They break down matter so that it can be recycled, and the energy cycle can start all over again.


Grade 3 Puppet Show

Ms. Maneka
Grade 3B Homeroom Teacher
Grade 3 classes have been working on the theme questions – What is Light? How Does Electricity Work? To align their project with their current theme, Grade 3 students created and performed a shadow puppet show this week. Students worked in groups and came up with various kinds of play. The plays ranged from fantasy to horror. The students worked hard to overcome their differences in creativity, organization, and teamwork to support each other throughout the process. Furthermore, students practiced different ways to maneuver the puppets against the light to create shadows which will collaborate with their story. It was a pleasure to watch such entertaining and creative plays. Well done Grade 3!


Grade 5 Field Trip to Metro Forest

Mr. Will
Grade 5A Homeroom Teacher
On September 15th, Grade 5 took their first ever field trip to Bangkok’s Metro Forest. This man-made forest was designed as an outdoor exhibition space that encourages environmental awareness. The students were taught about local forest ecology, and how Bangkok has been affected by deforestation. After the students learned how the forest was intended to take on its own ecosystem, based on local tree species, the students walked through the forest on an elevated walkway. They had a guided tour through the forest and saw everything up and close, from up high. The fresh air and shade felt a world away from Sukhumvit Road!



Important Dates

October 6th – Parent Teacher Conference
October 13th – Rama IX Memorial Day (No school)
October 18 – Its a Jungle Out There Mid-Term Show
October 23 – 27 – Midterm Break
October 30 –  Classes Resume
October 31 – Halloween Trick or Treat at School

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