As a core component for the IB Diploma Programme and Wells graduation requirement, Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) encourages high school students to be involved in activities as individuals and as part of a team that take place in local, national and international contexts.

Creativity, activity, service enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development as well as their social and civic development, through experiential and service learning and a personal journey of self-discovery that recognizes each student’s individual strengths, talents, and purpose.

The component’s three strands, often interwoven with extracurricular activities, are characterized as follows:
- Creativity – Exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance
- Activity – Physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle
- Service – Collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need
Students at all levels are encouraged to connect their passion in making a positive difference in the world as global citizens. There are various student-led service clubs, projects and initiatives in collaboration with local NGOs and community partners aiming towards reaching the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. Students take part in service experiences, inter-school conferences, acting as ambassadors and young leaders of the world.