For our first field trip of the year, the Grade 1 class was able to go to the fire station in Phra Khanong. We started off the day by observing some very cool but very scary snakes! There was one very large python that was not too happy we were getting too close, but luckily he was in a strong cage so it was very safe. There was also a beautiful green and blue poisonous tree viper being kept in a bottle. The students were brave and also respectful in trying to not be too loud so as to not disturb the snakes.

We learned about the equipment used by firefighters to keep them safe, like the outfits they wear and the types of hoses they use for different fires. The students all looked great trying on the big reflective helmets the fire fighters use.
After learning about the equipment, we were able to fit all 17 students inside 1 fire truck! We even got to sit on the fire-motorcycle, which the firefighters use if there is bad traffic. It looked pretty heavy because it had its own water tank and hose.

Finally, they explained to us why the smell of gas can be so dangerous, and helped us smell a tiny bit of gas so we knew what to expect. Now we know if we smell that again, it means to tell an adult so they can try to fix the problem. If there is gas in the air, a fire can be very dangerous! We were able to even use the huge fire hose to put out a fire the firefighters had created.
All in all, it was an eventful day where we learned a lot and had ever more fun!