Wells BangNa

Bang Na Teachers are Lifelong Learners

Wells International School Teachers Practice Lifelong Learning

Our teachers firmly believe in lifelong learning at the Bangna campus of Wells International School. As an IB World School, we encourage our students to take risks and try new things by discovering, experimenting, and trying new ideas and activities. So, to be convincing role models to our students, we must practice what we preach. 

Why Should Teachers be Lifelong Learners?

Our world is changing so rapidly that we cannot even predict what our students will be when they grow up. To ensure that our students are ready for that world, teachers must adapt to the constantly changing expectations of society on our students. 

The Wells International School in Bangna creates opportunities for teachers to learn new skills, acquire new knowledge, and learn to use new technology. The teachers at the Bangna campus attend frequent personal development opportunities to learn more about how their students learn, plan practical lessons, and collaborate with their colleagues. 

What do the Teachers Learn?

This year, the first professional development showed the teachers new skills and techniques to help our students with emotional regulation. This workshop helped the teachers know better how to support the students’ self-management skills. Also, the new teachers had induction training to learn about the inquiry-based approach and how to evaluate the students’ thinking and research skills. Third, the Thonglor and Bangna campuses joined to learn and practice collaboration. This workshop helped us connect our campuses, share ideas, and learn from each other. 

The Wells International School Bangna team has some exciting workshops planned, such as useful assessment and integrating the learner profiles into the school culture. Also, Bangna team has plans to connect with future conventions and plan workshops with the IB group. Watch this space for more information on lifelong learning at the Bangna campus at Wells International School. 

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Wells BangNa

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Wells BangNa

Wells BangNa

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