Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls 2022

After a long year and a few weeks of exams, our high school students and teachers ended the semester on a positive note with Wells Without Walls (WWW), an initiative to empower students to take more control of their learning and explore new experiences, skills, and service learning opportunities. Hosted by our High School Student Council, it is a week dedicated to learning in various shapes and forms, inside and outside the school walls. Students and teachers played a large role in organizing the event and tailoring it to the needs and interests of the high school student body.

WWW aims to provide students with academic, CAS/co-curricular, experiential and service learning opportunities through student and teacher-led workshops, life skills and hands-on activities, sports, and service learning. Underlying these opportunities is the empowerment of our students and teachers as change-agents and leaders as they explore and showcase their various passions, skills, and talents, through collaboration and teamwork.


Field Trips

The students and teachers engaged in various activities and workshops within the school walls, and trips outside of school in local communities.The field trips our students went on this week included:

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Greenhawks field trip to our new Wells Chonburi campus & Villa Forest farm

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls


Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Bang Krachao biking excursion

IB Visual Arts Field Trip to River City Bangkok art exhibitions

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Reading Field Trip

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

SerWIS Club visit to HDF Mercy Centre

Sea Life Bangkok Ocean World


Themed Workshops

In school, both teachers and students shared their passions and had fun engaging in learning, teamwork, and bonding. On Monday, the theme was International Day and thus, we had an international tea party in AP World History to learn about the origins of teas around the world, a Japanese club-hosted origami workshop, Italian cooking, henna art, and learning about world conflicts with Mr. Greg. 

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Tuesday’s theme was Competition Day, so there was a Flags of the World quiz with Mr. Eamonn, treasure hunt, UNO competition, solving crime mysteries, and board game cafe.

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

On Wednesday, students learned life skills and showcased their various high school clubs to the middle school. Students in Computer Science learned how to make healthy drinks and sold them to fundraise for Operation Smile. Others learned about basic media production, beginner crochet, flameless vegetarian cooking, basic ASL, comic book art and writing, how to use a graphing calculator, baking and cupcake decorating.

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls

Wells Without Walls


On our Well-Being and Service-centered Thursday, students learned how to make soap and music, and learned how to sleep better and longer. There were opportunities to engage in painting and fine arts, break dance and yoga. And finally, on Friday, we had community celebrations, a futsal tournament, school clean-up and a Harkness table on the meaning of life.  

A big thank you goes out to all of the students, teachers, alumni and community members who worked hard and contributed to making this last week of the 2022 school year a meaningful and engaging one!

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