Planetarium ท้องฟ้าจำลอง

Wells Chonburi Middle School Field Trip: Exploring Science and the Stars

Middle School students from Wells International School Chonburi recently went on a field trip to the Science Center in Bangkok. The Wells Middle School students have been learning about Space and were able to apply the knowledge they have learned to all the new things they found during this field trip. It was an exciting journey as they explored the mysteries of the universe. 

Planetarium ท้องฟ้าจำลอง

Their first stop was the planetarium, where they watched an amazing show projected onto the dome ceiling. Looking up at the stars, they felt inspired and learned more about space. The students were most interested in learning about the constellations and future space travel. 

After the planetarium, they visited the Science Center Exhibition Hall. Here, they found a wide range of interesting things, like interactive exhibits and hands-on experiments. They were amazed by human inventions and the complexities of nature. The students were active and eager to learn throughout the trip. It increased their knowledge of science and made them more curious about the world.

Planetarium ท้องฟ้าจำลอง

Planetarium ท้องฟ้าจำลอง

Now that their trip is over, the students are grateful for the chance to learn about the universe and thank the Science Center staff for creating such a meaningful experience. With new knowledge and excitement, they can’t wait to explore more. They’ll always remember this adventure and continue to value science as they go back to school.


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