
Wells Bang Na Grade 2 Field Trip

Wells Bang Na Field Trip

Wells International Grade 2 students from Bang Na joined the classes from the other two campuses’ for our field trip to the Bangkokian Museum. Students excitedly looked at all of the treasures inside of the old Thai houses. Grade 2 student, Jessica thought “the toilets and stairs were ancient because they were made from wood!”

They had so many questions for our guides. The students were very excited about getting to use an old fashioned telephone. They also loved feeding the fish before lunch! Mira said “this field trip was awesome because I liked feeding the fishes and turtles.” Al expressed “I liked seeing the sword on the bed because it was cool!” His friend agreed, “I think the bedroom was so interesting because it looked old!”  This was a great opportunity for students to get outside of their comfort zone, ask questions, observe and reflect. The highlight of the day was enjoying some hamburgers outside, picnic style!





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