SongKran 2017
The Songkran festival is from April 13th –15th. It is also known as the traditional New Year’s day in Thailand. On these days, it is a great opportunity for merit – making and observing the precepts. It is also a special time for Thai people to have fun.
Our School celebrated Songkran festival with many Thai performances from our students. The performances represented Thai culture in the past and in the present. All of us teachers were very proud of them. We also held the Thai traditional water ceremony and our students were able to pay respect to the teachers.

Visiting Author Ken Peavey
As part of reading month, visiting author Ken Peavey came to read to our primary students. Ken Peavey wrote the book, “The Box People”, which is about modern society and our disconnect to nature. The children enjoyed the reading and Mr. Peavey even signed some books after he was finished! This visit was encouraging to the kids and shows that everyone can and should write!

Reading Month
March was reading month at Wells International School Bang Na. In order to promote literacy, we held many exciting activities such as character dress up, pajama up and whole school read, whole school book writing, a book mark competition, reading buddies and a reading challenge. K3, G1, G2 and G3 won the reading challenge and will be able to order three books per class as a prize! The kids also did some fun activities in their classrooms and across the campus.

Grade 2 Unit 5 Projects
Our Unit 5 was all about money systems. We learned about how to earn, manage, and spend our money. We also learned about supply vs. demand and needs vs. wants. Our summative project involved giving other students a survey of what they like and then creating a product that we thought we could sell to other students at our school. We had five different groups. One group drew and printed beautiful pictures, another group made clay sculptures, one group made paper crafts, one group make science activities, and the last group made holiday cards. We spent time in class and at home designing and creating a supply of our products. We discussed pricing and created advertisements to help sell them. We also wrote a letter to parents letting them know when we would be selling our products. We set up our tables after the Songkran Assembly and had a big crowd of parents and students ready to buy from us! The students had a great time working with money and ended up being able to donate over 2,000 baht to PAWS, a shelter for cats.
Thanks to everyone for your support!
Ms. Casey

As part of grade 2’s community, action and service unit, we invited PAWS and Wells High School organization “Wells Helping Paws” to speak with our primary students about caring for cats. The PAWS representative, Ms. Kirsten and Train Cat came to tell grade 2 and 3 about what we can do to help cats. Wells Bang Na raised donations of cat food, kitty litter and cat toys for PAWS. It was a wonderful visit!

Music Around the World
Music is a universal language. Exposing children to the music, songs and dances of other cultures should simply be another aspect of music program at Wells International School. It is a great opportunity to help children expose to the sounds of another language through music. In the music class, children discuss the fact that music is different in different parts of the world. Look at where they are located, and discuss the countries or continents they are familiar with on the map. Discuss what instruments they hear, and whether or not they like the style of music that is heard and why or why not.

Learner Profile Assembly
Friday April 28th it was show time for early years. Our goal was to explain the learner profile PRINCIPLED! We thought it was a good idea to use taking care of our environment for this. All early year classes sat down in a U shape and saw the teachers walking/talking /eating/drinking and throwing their trash on the floor. Well we didn’t need to wait long for a reaction. The students were appalled that we threw everything on the floor. Ashamed we asked what we should do instead. We had to throw everything in the bin or give it to the garbage people to keep our environment clean.
To help us even more we let the students help us by doing an cleaning up/recycling game. Every class got a turn to clean up all the plastic and paper we left behind. It was great to see how engaged everyone was and telling us what we could do more to help the environment (don’t let the water run if you don’t use it, turn of the lights/electric, etc. We can say that the Wells community is very principled.
Thank you all and together we will keep our planet clean!