Robotics Competition

International Robotics Competition 2020

The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots.” – Eric Fromm. 

On the 22nd of February, Wells’ Robotics students did their part to ensure humankind need not become robot-like by designing and operating robots to do the dirty work for us. This year’s International Robotics tournament (IRC) was held at Pan-Asia International School. Teams from 40 countries qualified for the international round. Wells Robotics club sent 5 teams to compete.

                                      Robotics Competition                               

The competition was based on an apocalyptic scenario where natural disasters and man-made tragedies combined to make an area inaccessible to humans. Designing robots that could enter the area delivering medical supplies and replanting trees in appropriate locations stretched the engineering and designing skills of all teams. 

Robotics Competition

The 5 teams competing for Wells were:

Category 1: Sung-Bin and Khushi Jain,  who received an Honorable Mention

Category 1: Poorvi Daga and Muskan Gurbuxani, 3rd Place Bronze Medal

Category 2: Uday Saihgal, 3rd Place Bronze Medal

Category 3: Mardtin Salter-Townshend and Jay Ghervaria, 3rd Place Bronze Medal

Category 4: Patrick Salter-Townshend, 2nd Place Silver Medal

Robotics Competition

With every Wells team getting an award or a medal and all teams learning and sharing their knowledge, it was a tremendous success. Narrowly missing out on a scholarship of 100,000 baht for first place, our teams have resolved to aim higher next year! 

Robotics Competition

Written By: Brian Salter-Townshend, Robotics Advisor

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