Middle School

Cross-Campus Learning in Middle School

Friday, September 29th marked an eventful and exciting day for the middle school students of Wells International School Chonburi and On Nut. The middle school students from the Wells International Chonburi campus visited the middle school students at the On Nut campus to collaborate on a Science project. 

Middle School

The Chonburi students left early on Friday morning to arrive in time to meet many of the club representatives at the On Nut campus. The representatives talked about their clubs, how they started the clubs and how they support their community. This inspired both the students and teachers to take action in Chonburi and get more involved in the community. 

Middle School

After the presentations, the students joined the other middle school students in Ms. Ro’s Math class. Following the Pre-algebra class, the students had the opportunity to meet the middle school council and engage in some icebreaker activities. The purpose of these activities was to get the students to know each other a bit better and to start building cross-campus connections for future events and endeavors. 

Then it was time for the highlight of the day. Under the guidance of Mr. Richie, the students jumped into a biosphere project. The students worked together to create a biosphere. The students worked collaboratively to set up their biospheres, to make the biosphere completely self-sustaining. They had to follow instructions and discuss different options of how the biosphere would work. 

Middle School

Middle School

Allowing students to participate in cross-campus activities allows them to share ideas and learn from each other. The students are challenged to think critically as they troubleshoot issues that arise within the biosphere. They learn to analyze data, make observations, and make informed decisions to maintain a balanced ecosystem. Also, cross-campus collaboration ensures a system-wide quality of learning as teachers work together to plan and implement lessons. Our language learners find new ways to use English when working with new friends. 

The purpose of a day like this goes beyond making a biosphere. It provides a rich educational experience that promotes scientific understanding, environmental consciousness, teamwork, and a sense of community, while also nurturing skills and values that students can carry with them into the future.

Overall, our students made new connections and friends while building their confidence and independence as young adults. They learned new skills and found new ideas to implement at their individual campuses.

Middle School

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