Wells Chonburi Students Participated in the American Math Olympiad 

Math Olympiad Participation

We are excited to share that Wells International School students from grades 2-9 participated in the American Math Olympiad (AMO). The AMO is a well-known math competition that challenges students to solve challenging problems while building their problem-solving and thinking skills. It’s a great opportunity for students to showcase their math abilities and creativity.

About the AMO Problems

AMO problems cover algebra, geometry, number patterns, and more. These problems focus on logical thinking and creative solutions instead of basic calculations. We are so proud of how hard our students worked and how much effort they put into solving these challenging questions.

Certificates and Recognition

The competition was held in November at the Wells International School Chonburi. Today, we handed out the students’ results and certificates during the morning announcements. It was wonderful to see their classmates cheering them on and celebrating their achievements. We are proud of all their hard work and can’t wait to see them continue to grow and succeed!

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