
School Cleaning Day

The two-week long Healthy Body, Healthy Mind school-wide theme culminated in a School Cleaning Day. Staff and students displayed absolute enthusiasm, worked exceptionally well together, and accomplished a great deal of work in less than 40 minutes. Judges were appointed to rate students’ work on different evaluation criteria. Prizes will […]

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Student-Produced Magazine a Rousing Success

Rarely do students get the chance to demonstrate their full potential given the constraints of traditional school structures, and even less often do they receive the opportunity to display their personal strengths outside the classroom. Consequently, it is with great pride that the Wells International School staff inaugurated the first […]

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Teaching a Practical, Global Perspective

Part of Wells International School’s mission as an educational institution comprises the continual reevaluation of our standard courses, making them more practical and relevant to students’ modern experiences. Additionally, we strive to introduce new opportunities for them to learn more about their surrounding world through the addition of germane elective courses at the high school level. One such program is the World Religions course, an elective offered to upper high school students, and the first of many classes that emphasize the pragmatic application of the knowledge gained during the period of study. Given the volatile nature of religious conflict in the modern world, young adults must become aware of the necessity for tolerance and understanding of other viewpoints.