Bangkok Model United Nations XXVIII 2020


On Sunday, October 11, fourteen of our Model United Nations (MUN) members participated in the 28th annual Bangkok Model United Nations, the largest local MUN conference, at International School of Bangkok (ISB). Our students were among over a hundred students from various local international schools. A special keynote speaker from the CDC, Dr. Josh Mott, shared his perspective on the pandemic, as well as current statistics and work being done towards developing a vaccine.


The following committees were included in the conference: Security Council, Human Rights Council, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Disarmament and National Security (DISEC), UN4MUN, World Health Organization (WHO), International Court of Justice (ICJ), European Union (EU), and Sustainable Development committee. Topics discussed and debated included the question of the use and sharing of technology and data during a pandemic, improving humanitarian and disaster relief assistance, and sustainably developing public service systems in LEDCs. 


Some of our students had chair positions in committees, opportunities to develop communication and leadership skills, as they helped coach delegates through the process of discussing issues and finding solutions. Soumili Kar served as the chair of ECOSOC council, and Hrithi Bhattacharya and Riddhi Tandon (Class of 2021) served as the chairs for UN4MUN, a new style of committee that focuses on building consensus and focused on developing collaboration skills.



BKKMUN XXVIII was an enjoyable experience for our Wells delegation with new experiences, sharing of diverse perspectives, collaboration, and displays of global citizenship. Our delegates were given the chance and voice to shine and contribute to positive problem-solving and peacemaking in this sophisticated simulation of UN procedures and committees. This was also an especially unique conference, as not many in-person MUN conferences are happening currently in the world due to the pandemic situation. Nonetheless, the students were able to discuss and gain more knowledge about such pressing relevant issues whilst practicing strictly enforced social distancing measures. 




Special Mentions

Congratulations to Soumili Kar (Class of 2021) for winning the Best Chair award for her leadership of ECOSOC, and to Shreyaa Srivastava (Class of 2022) for receiving an honorable mention as a delegate in the UN4MUN committee.



Special thanks to International School of Bangkok (ISB) for hosting the conference this year, and for ensuring that social distancing measures were strictly adhered to throughout the event.



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