Grade 2 Field Trip 2019

Wells Thong Lo | Stories from Our Past

On September 19 grade 2 had the opportunity to see what life was like long ago in Bangkok.  We visited the Bangkok Folk Museum where a 70-year-old house sits in a peaceful garden. The students had many questions as a tour guide led us through 3 buildings on the property.  

In the first building, students caught a glimpse of what living in Bangkok was like when there wasn’t any air-conditioning and people traveled through canals by boats.  They were able to see a bedroom, dining room, bathroom and more in the exact same condition it would have been in years ago. The next building contained an examination room and the tools used by a doctor at that time.  The students were surprised to hear that one used to visit a doctor’s house for his/her check-up. In the final building, the students found many tools used for farming and cooking years ago. They especially enjoyed learning about how animals were raised on the property, which was also a featured exhibit in this building.  

We have talked a lot about the similarities and differences between our lives today and people’s lives long ago, but having the opportunity to visit this house allowed the students to really feel what it was like.

Written by: Stephenie, Grade 2 Homeroom TeacherGrade 2 Field Trip 2019

Grade 2 Field Trip 2019

Grade 2 Field Trip 2019

Grade 2 Field Trip 2019

Grade 2 Field Trip 2019

Grade 2 Field Trip 2019Grade 2 Field Trip 2019Grade 2 Field Trip 2019


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