Thong Lo Primary Students Say Thank You to Essential Workers

The Wells Primary students have been busy learning online. Each Friday, the Primary students and teachers have been finding a special reason to come together and celebrate. In the previous weeks the celebration themes have been spirit dress-up events but this week we decided to practice gratitude. The students were engaged in discussions by their homeroom teachers about who are essential workers and how they help us every day. Many students took this time to reflect on their experience during the pandemic and those who have been important to them. The students listened to the song Good Job by Alicia Keys to provoke them into action. It is a beautiful song demonstrating what gratitude towards essentials workers can look like. 

The students took action by creating their posters to recognize the essential workers who are often underappreciated in our day-to-day lives. To show their appreciation, the students selected who they wanted to make their poster for and what they would include on their posters. Some students chose to dedicate their posters to specific people in their lives who have helped them out, while others recognized the essential jobs in our community. The students used a variety of materials to create their posters. Some students included kind written words of thanks while others used pictures. Some students decided to create a poster that evoked the emotions that they feel when reflecting on essential workers.

On Friday, during P.E. class the Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes shared their posters with all the Primary students and teachers. Everyone held up their poster at the end of the class with pride and excitement.  It was very touching to see the diversity of creative expression and the students’ attention to detail. All the posters were unique and beautiful.

On behalf of all the Primary students and teachers, we would like to thank all the essential workers who keep us safe. We can continue our lives because of their strength, hard work and amazing dedication. They taught us how to be better members of the community. We are all grateful for being role models to us all. 

Written by: Ms. Alex – G1B Homeroom Teacher

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